About Me

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We have been married since 2005. We have two beautiful boys.....both born on the same day, 2 years apart!!!And we now have a beautiful baby girl born on December 24, 2010! Best Christmas Present ever!!! : ) We love God and are active in our church!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fun Weekend

Well we had a good weekend. Saturday I worked until about 2, but I always enjoy work! Norman kept Jayden and Norm's friend came over while I was at work to wire a motor. That's about all I know about that! :) I went and picked up a new bed for Jayden after work. Then our friends, Jeff and Des came over and we ate, played a game, and watched a movie!! It was quite fun!! I had never played Mad Gab. That game is hilarious! Then Sunday morning we went to church and then Norman had to work. Jayden and I hung out and then ran to the store. I was so excited to find a chair for my salon there!! It was on clearance and was only $60! The cheapest one I had found was over $100, so I am very excited about that. When Norm got off work we had a relaxing evening and ate spaghetti and watched a movie. It was nice that Norman had Saturday off though! He has next Saturday off and we are going to dinner and to see Brian Reagan (a comedian). Then he has the next Saturday off too and we are taking a birth class about what to expect with a midife and home delivery. Exciting! Well it's already been an interesting morning! The baby I watch, Lily, has diarrhea! I went in to check on her and she started to cry! She had poop past her waist!!!!! GGRROOSSS!!! So needless to say, she had a bath and threw all the clothing/carseat material in the wash!!! Hopefully that's my only big change of the day!!! Have a great day everyone! :)


Janet said...

We love Mad Gab!!!
You are brave for thinking about a home birth. Did you do that with your first? What is making you desire that?

SweetNLow said...

I have several friends who have done it both ways (hospital and home) and they all love home birth. I just think it's probably better not to have too many drugs, and at the hospital it's kind of hard to deal with pain....you feel kind of like your strapped to a bed the whole time. So far it has been great! We meet with our midwife every 3 weeks and we get an option of having an ultrasound everytime. She does all the same bloodwork and everything.