About Me

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We have been married since 2005. We have two beautiful boys.....both born on the same day, 2 years apart!!!And we now have a beautiful baby girl born on December 24, 2010! Best Christmas Present ever!!! : ) We love God and are active in our church!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Computer Means More Blogging!! : )

Okay, what a day!!! I feel like everyday is so busy, even if there isn't a lot going on! Was busy all morning just with laundry and getting a shower in. It's amazing how long that takes with diapers and feeding in between. But was glad to get most of the laundry done. Norm is such a wonderful husband. I folded laundry and he vaccuumed. My great friend, Mallorie, came over and brought us lunch. Chic-fil-a....Norm's favorite! :) Norm works everyday at 2:30, so after lunch he leaves to work. After lunch Mallorie stayed with the boys and Aliana and I ran over to my dads house. Pop Pops and Grandma Cathy were happy to see my chubby cheeked baby girl, and were amazed at how much she had grown. My awesome dad is getting a new computer and got his "old" laptop all ready for me. It's by no means old! Quite fancy if I don't say so myself. HD screen and lit up keyboard and all!! I'm told it's pretty powerful, although all those numbers and gigs, don't mean much to me!! I know I can edit and put all my pictures on it and surf the internet! I am so very thankful to my daddy!! While I was over at my dad's, he got a text from my Granny. They found a blod clot in her lung, so she was headed to the hospital. So please keep her in your prayers if you think of her!! Hopefully that will be cleared up in a couple of days! After my dad's house we came home and ate dinner. Then Mallorie and I were off to buy her a new computer from Best Buy. So here it is 10p.m. and we are here both playing on our new laptops!! : ) : ) I'll include a couple of pictures since I'm so behind! Hope everyone is having a great week!! : )

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